Be Aware of Storms | SERVPRO® of Hyde Park/Roslindale
11/15/2021 (Permalink)

Stay Alert
Storms may be more common in summer but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take them less seriously. Storm alerts are issued for a reason so take notice.
Consider canceling or postponing outdoor events if bad weather is in the forecast.
Local meteorologists try to provide the most accurate forecasts possible. Get yourself an NOAA Weather radio if you think a power outage could happen.
Plan to stay home and off the roads if storms are in the forecast.
Consider tree maintenance to remove dead or low hanging limbs that could be susceptible to strong winds. Also, store outdoor lawn furniture in a secure location.
Unfortunately, with all of these precautions, people still die each year from storm-related weather. Don’t take storms for granted.
If lightning accompanies the rain, stay indoors for at least 30 minutes after the last thunder you hear. Lightning can strike 10 miles away from the storm.
Stay away from windows, and don’t shower or bathe during a thunderstorm. Consider unplugging sensitive electronics.
Make sure you have an emergency kit prepared, and know the evacuation route for your area.
If flooding materializes, stay on high ground and avoid flood water if possible.
Don’t attempt to drive or walk through moving water, as it can easily knock a person off their feet. Flood waters can also conceal hidden road damage, and that could be catastrophic for you and people in your car.
There are any number of dangers that can come into play in a thunderstorm, and it’s always best to be cautious and put things on hold until storms safely pass. If storms cause damage to your home or business, SERVPRO is on the line, ready to make things right again.