A Look at the Types of Damage Associated With Thunderstorms | SERVPRO® of Roslindale/Hyde Park
6/15/2021 (Permalink)

Thunderstorms are quite a dangerous weather event, and though they occur frequently, it is important to not become immune to the threats that they pose. Every thunderstorm brings the potential for injury and damage along with it, and between hail, high winds, heavy rains and flooding potential, there are lots of issues that can be present each time a storm happens.
Every storm that contains thunder and lightning has the potential to be dangerous, as lightning strikes and heavy rain are major hazards. Additionally, a thunderstorm can become severe when winds over 58 miles per hour and hail over one inch are present, posing even more possible hazards to those in the path of the storm.
Various Ways That Thunderstorms Can Cause Damage
Damage and injury from lightning strikes. Every thunderstorm will also contain lightning, as thunder and lightning always go hand in hand. Lightning strikes are responsible for over 300 injuries each year, which does not include how often they cause structural fires or fell trees that cause additional damage.
Property damage due to hail. Though hail may seem like a minor occurrence compared to something like lightning, its damages can be quite far reaching. People without adequate shelter can receive injuries from hail, and it can also dent cars, cause damage to homes that lead to water entry and lead to leaking roofs. Large hail is extremely dangerous because of the sheer speed with which it can fall.
Harm from flash flooding. Though most people consider flooding something that is only likely to happen around bodies of water, with flash flooding, it can be a threat nearly anywhere. Flash flooding is often caused when rainfall is heavy and drainage systems or ditches get backed up, which can quickly lead to standing or flowing water. Flash floods are particularly dangerous because of their force, which can knock people over and carry cars away in its tide.
Thunderstorms are dangerous and can cause significant damage to homes or commercial spaces. If you have damage due to a thunderstorm, you can count on us to help. Contact us 24⁄7 857-399-9797 for more information about our storm restoration practices.